About Sessions

Please note: Sessions are held via phone or Zoom.
I am not accepting new clients at this time.

One-on-one sessions

What to Know

Your intentions for receiving healing or guidance, and your participation in the process, are a very important part of this work. Your intentions, or anything blocking those intentions, will guide the energy of our work together. One-on-one sessions could include healing + empowerment, spiritual navigation, and/or oracle guidance.

There is always a period of integration after a session. “After-care” suggestions are often given to help you integrate the energetic shifts more smoothly.

Session Format and Length

If you are a new client, please contact me to schedule a 15-minute initial conversation so I can better understand how my work might help you.

I offer closed sessions (all work conducted in real time) or open, asynchronous sessions (work unfolds over days, at an hourly rate, without need for a lengthy appointment).

We always begin with a conversation about the issues that are arising for you (or your child or pet), whether physical, mental, emotional, or energetic, and your intentions for the session. From there, the work unfolds naturally. 

In a closed session, we might continue the session through speech, imagery, or visualization, or you would relax and receive while I facilitate the healing, empowerment, or guidance that is coming through for you. We end the session with a check-in about what unfolded.

In an open session, the healing, empowerment, or guidance comes through gradually over a period of days, and I share with you what came through, either in an email, or, if needed, during a follow-up conversation. Asynchronous work can occur over a period of months, depending on your issues and intentions.

Your session also includes limited follow-up contact with you, including after-care suggestions, usually via email. 

Closed sessions:
All new client sessions for adults are held as 2-hour closed sessions.
Returning client closed sessions are approximately 1.5 hours.
New child or pet closed sessions are 1 hour.
Returning child or pet closed sessions are 30-60 minutes.
Note: I recommend open/asynchronous sessions for new or returning children and pets, with some exceptions.

Open/Asynchronous sessions:
These sessions can unfold over the course of a week or more (per week, usually the same length as a closed session; will not exceed three hours in any one week), depending on your needs and intentions—and what comes through for you. I recommend open sessions for complex issues or issues requiring ongoing support, with some exceptions.


Paying for sessions is like “closing the circle” for the work, so it can have full effect in your life. I charge a sliding scale with options for clients to offer additional support for my work in the world, pay cost, or receive need-based scholarship. Scholarships could be limited each month, please inquire.

First-time client, closed session: 2 hours
Cost: $200 / Supporter: $250 / Scholarship: $150

Returning client, closed session: 1.5 hours
Cost: $150 / Supporter: $180 / Scholarship: $120

Returning client, open session: Hourly
Cost: $100 / Supporter: $120 / Scholarship: $80

First-time and returning client, children and pets: Half-hourly
Cost: $50 / Supporter: $60 / Scholarship: $40

Note: A free 15-minute phone consultation is required for all new clients to assess your needs and address any questions you might have prior to scheduling a first-time client session.

Not accepting new clients at this time.

Space Poetics

Session Format

Space Poetics begins with a 30-minute phone discussion about your concerns and intentions. All space essence renewal work can be performed at a distance, or in person on Whidbey Island. If performed at a distance, photos or a video walk-through are required as part of this initial session.

I facilitate this work at a distance over a 1-2 week period through the shamanic journey. Working with the spirits of the land and place, the energetic layers of the space are cleared and renewed. Once the work feels complete, you and I reconnect so I can share what was shown to me, what was cleared, and what recommendations were offered for harmonizing the energy in your physical space, such as moving furniture or artwork, adding color, landscaping recommendations, additional clearing practices, etc.


First-time clients, hourly (one hour minimum; likely 2+ hours, depending on area)
Cost: $100 / Supporter: $120 / Scholarship: $80

Returning clients, half-hourly (1/2 hour minimum)
Cost: $50 / Supporter: $60 / Scholarship: $40

Note: For Space Poetics, a free 10-15-minute phone consultation is required for all new clients to assess your needs and address any questions you may have prior to scheduling a space essence renewal.

Not accepting new clients at this time.

Disclaimer Note

Sessions with Kathryn and Still Origin Holistic Arts can complement, but cannot replace, Western medical or psychiatric care. It is recommended that you consult with your doctor as needed. Oracular guidance offers a view of possibilities in the moment of the session. Kathryn and Still Origin Holistic Arts cannot be held accountable for decisions made based on information provided in session or correspondence.