Space Poetics

Dream a new story for your home or land that truly resonates with the life that you want to build there. Allow old thought forms and negative energies to be cleared while you set new intentions for your life in the home and/or on the land that you are care-taking as a tenant or owner.

The spaces we inhabit can collect heavy energies, regardless of whether or not there's been an illness, a tragedy, or a "ghost" present. Our thought forms, especially if repeated, can muck up the flow of energy through the space of a home or land, leading to stagnation, repeated bouts of anger, depression, or hopelessness, or simply the inability to come out of a rut of habit.

Space Poetics is a space essence renewal that goes beyond the common practice of burning sage by harmonizing your positive intentions and the unseen energies of the space. In this way your intentions can be supported and integrated into your daily life in your home or on your land.

This service is especially recommended for those moving to a new home or new geographic area, or for those going through a transition, such as recovery after an illness or the loss of a loved one, welcoming a marriage, a new baby, an "empty nest," a new job, or a transition to a work-from-home situation. This service is also offered as a harmonizing “tune-up” for returning clients.

This service is also available for businesses and office spaces. It can be especially beneficial to refresh a work space’s energies after a busy season or intense project, or when a clearing out of the energies of challenging customers, previous employees, or stale ideas is required.

Note: A free 20-minute consultation is required for all new clients to assess your needs and address any questions you may have prior to scheduling a full session.

Disclaimer Note

Sessions with Kathryn and Still Origin Holistic Arts can complement, but cannot replace, Western medical or psychiatric care. It is recommended that you consult with your doctor as needed. Oracular guidance offers a view of possibilities in the moment of the session. Kathryn and Still Origin Holistic Arts cannot be held accountable for decisions made based on information provided in session or correspondence.