Sometimes life requires us to begin again.

Do not fear this. This change does not want to take all of you, only that part of you that you need to let go so you can give birth to something new.

You will know, when life asks you this, what it’s asking of you. If you listen closely and trust in the message, you will know what to do.

Sometimes all you need is to surrender your mind, loosen your grasp, and open to your heart’s wisdom.

In early 2020, with the state of the world beginning to wake us up to the transformation that the planet needs, I could not find the guidance that I, a human, woman, mother, needed. I took online classes, I read books, I did my daily meditations and shamanic journeying. Finally, I asked the Spirits/Universe/Source/God for operating instructions. What did I need to know to be in step with the transformation that is needed for a new paradigm to take shape? I encourage you to contemplate the message and, if it resonates, to apply it in your own life.


Operating Instructions III


Gratitude for 2020